Is there a Sunday Talk that you really enjoyed and would love to hear again?
Date | Speaker | Topic | Click Image to Play |
Rev. Lori Kirstein | The truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth |
Meeting ID: 207 248 1871 Click the Zoom icon or Join by phone: (312) 626-6799 |
Pastor Brian Eastman & Rev. Dee Coy | I'm Afraid Not! | open_in_new | |
Pastor Brian Eastman | Waiting for Unfoldment | open_in_new | |
Pastor Brian Eastman | God in Slow Time | open_in_new | |
Lea Smith | What Mistake? | open_in_new | |
Rev. Lori Kirstein | A Leap of Blind Faith | open_in_new | |
Pastor Brian Eastman | To Be in the Truth | open_in_new | |
Pastor Brian Eastman | If You Disappeared Tomorrow… | open_in_new | |
Rev. Lori Kirstein | Light in the Mist | open_in_new | |
Pastor Brian Eastman | Sez Who? | open_in_new | |
Pastor Brian Eastman | Retreat! Retreat! | open_in_new | |
Pastor Brian Eastman | Sr Pepper & Emmet Fox vs. Oral Roberts & Billy Graham | open_in_new | |
Pastor Brian Eastman | Panpsychism | open_in_new | |
Rev. Lori Kirstein | No More Dogma | open_in_new | |
Cheryl Ann Borne | Jesus and the Big Bang | open_in_new | |
Pastor Brian Eastman | Changelings vs. Mt Rushmore | open_in_new | |
Pastor Brian Eastman | Education by 2x4 | open_in_new | |
Pastor Brian Eastman | Our Earthly Guardian Angels | open_in_new | |
Rev. Lori Kirstein | Magic, Manifestations and You | open_in_new | |
Pastor Brian Eastman | Growing Your Spiritual Depth | open_in_new | |
Pastor Brian Eastman | Spiritual Living in a Practical World | open_in_new open_in_new | |
Pastor Brian Eastman | Moral Disequality | open_in_new | |
Pastor Brian Eastman | Sabbath for the Soul | open_in_new | |
Rev. Lori Kirstein | You Are Infinite Possibilities | open_in_new | |
Pastor Brian Eastman | Different Kinds of Prayer - Different Results |
open_in_new | |
Rev. Lori Kirstein | Directions to God's Place | open_in_new | |
Pastor Brian Eastman | King Solomon's Gold & Silver - Good & Bad |
open_in_new | |
Pastor Brian Eastman | How to Avoid Bitter and Mean | open_in_new | |
Pastor Brian Eastman | Broken Pieces of Yesterday | open_in_new | |
Rev. Lori Kirstein | Stop Waiting for God and God will Stop Waiting for You |
open_in_new | |
Rev. Lori Kirstein | Becoming a Mature Spiritualist | open_in_new | |
Pastor Brian Eastman | Your Legacy? | open_in_new | |
Pastor Brian Eastman | Blessing… Who? | open_in_new | |
Rev. Lori Kirstein | What is Faith? | open_in_new | |
Rev. Lori Kirstein | Surrender | open_in_new | |
Laurie Callahan | Conversations with the Recently Deceased |
open_in_new | |
Pastor Brian Eastman | Ugly Bags of Mostly Water | open_in_new | |
Pastor Brian Eastman | Silence, Service and Mysticism | open_in_new | |
Rev. Lori Kirstein | The Journey of Being There: Facets of Spiritual Freedom | open_in_new | |
Pastor Brian Eastman | The Risk of Our Imaging God | open_in_new |
Date | Speaker | Topic | Click Image to Play |
Lea Smith | Bringing Joy & Laughter to the New Year |
open_in_new | |
Pastor Brian Eastman | In The Still of the Night | open_in_new | |
Rev. Dee Coy | This Little Light of Mine | open_in_new | |
Rev. Lori Kirstein | Mr. Fezziwig's Secret | open_in_new | |
Heidi Bright | Coping with Grief During the Holidays | open_in_new | |
Lea Smith | Enjoy Your Negative Feelings | open_in_new | |
Rev. Dee Coy | Paradox in Spiritual Practice | open_in_new | |
Rev. Lori Kirstein | Making Healing So Much Easier | open_in_new | |
Pastor Brian Eastman | The Afterlife of Pets | open_in_new | |
Rev. Lori Kirstein | Spiritual Goals | open_in_new | |
Lea Smith | Meditation: Handing Out Joy | open_in_new | |
Lea Smith | I Don't Know Yet | open_in_new | |
Rev. Lori Kirstein | Creating Peace | open_in_new | |
Pastor Brian Eastman | Which God is Yours? | open_in_new | |
Pastor Brian Eastman | Free Your Present and Future Life | open_in_new | |
Lea Smith | Meditation: Intention of Joy | open_in_new | |
Pastor Brian Eastman | Are you casting a shadow? | open_in_new | |
Pastor Brian Eastman | Speaking our Imperfect Truth to God & Humans |
open_in_new | |
Rev. Lori Kirstein | Trusting Life's Imperfect Answers | open_in_new | |
Pastor Brian Eastman | Achieving Joy in the Moment | open_in_new | |
Rev. Lori Kirstein | Stop Struggling in the Arms of the Divine | open_in_new | |
Phyllis Schomaker | Reflections on Being and Emotion | open_in_new | |
Pastor Brian Eastman | Bhakti: Hindu Path of Devotion | open_in_new | |
Pastor Brian Eastman | Slouching Along our Pilgrimage Path | open_in_new | |
Pastor Brian Eastman | The Joy of Suffering - Not! (part 2) | open_in_new | |
Pastor Brian Eastman | The Joy of Suffering - Not! | open_in_new | |
Lea Smith | You ARE Living you Life's Purpose | open_in_new | |
Lori Kirstein | God says, "Wanna Play?" | open_in_new | |
Pastor Brian Eastman | Our Life of Many Mansions | open_in_new | |
Pastor Brian Eastman | Pure Joy | open_in_new | |
Lea Smith | Meditation: The Power of Eight | open_in_new | |
Pastor Brian Eastman | Lessons from Father Figures | open_in_new | |
Lori Kirstein | And God said, 'What are you waiting for?' | open_in_new | |
Rev. Dee Coy | A Better Bias | open_in_new | |
Lori Kirstein | God's Language: Talking to Yourself | open_in_new | |
Pastor Brian Eastman | The Value of Not Knowing | open_in_new | |
Pastor Brian Eastman | God Walks with Man - the Camel and the Needle | open_in_new | |
Pastor Brian Eastman | The Problem with Small Moral Choices | open_in_new | |
Lori Kirstein | The Mystery of Abundance | open_in_new | |
Pastor Brian Eastman | What You Take With You and What You Leave Behind | open_in_new | |
Lea Smith | Healing Meditation | open_in_new | |
Pastor Brian Eastman | Celebrating Our Ancestors | open_in_new | |
Pastor Brian Eastman | Jesus The Christ, Reincarnation, and You | open_in_new | |
Pastor Brian Eastman | Disengaging from God | open_in_new | |
Pastor Brian Eastman | Ramadan, Passover and Easter | open_in_new | |
Lori Kirstein | Bringing God In Out of the Cold | open_in_new | |
Pastor Brian Eastman | New Wine in Old Skins | open_in_new | |
Pastor Brian Eastman | Bro. Mandus & 108-Yr-Old Woman Agree | open_in_new | |
Pastor Brian Eastman | Lessons From a 108-year-old Woman | open_in_new | |
Lea Smith | Be the Joy | open_in_new | |
Lori Kirstein | God says, "You First!" | open_in_new | |
Pastor Brian Eastman | Fr. Brown's Problem with Evil | open_in_new | |
Lori Kirstein | Dealmaking with God | open_in_new | |
Pastor Brian Eastman | Modern Good Samaritanism | open_in_new | |
Lori Kirstein | Stop Suffering Your Journey | open_in_new | |
Pastor Brian Eastman | Joy Amidst Sorrow | open_in_new | |
Pastor Brian Eastman | Pilgrim's Progress: Amy Grant's Spiritual Journey | open_in_new |
Date | Speaker | Topic | Click Image to Play |
Pastor Brian Eastman | Five Joys of Christmas | open_in_new | |
Pastor Brian Eastman | Christmas as a Power Tool | open_in_new | |
Rev. Dee Coy | Community | open_in_new | |
Lori Kirstein | Going from Plowing to Allowing | open_in_new | |
Lea Smith | What's Up with Gratitude | open_in_new | |
Pastor Brian Eastman | Losing God by Looking Backward | open_in_new | |
Pastor Brian Eastman | God's Rx for Power Living | open_in_new | |
Pastor Brian Eastman | Fear of Dragons | open_in_new | |
Lea Smith | The Great Doing of Nothing | open_in_new | |
Lori Kirstein | Emotion and Energy | open_in_new | |
Pastor Brian Eastman | Pt 6 of 21 Ways to Build a Stronger Spiritual Life | open_in_new | |
Pastor Brian Eastman | Pt 5 of 21 Ways to Build a Stronger Spiritual Life | open_in_new | |
Pastor Brian Eastman | Pt 4 of 21 Ways to Build a Stronger Spiritual Life | open_in_new | |
Pastor Brian Eastman | Pt 3 of 21 Ways to Build a Stronger Spiritual Life | open_in_new | |
Pastor Brian Eastman | Pt 2 of 21 Ways to Build a Stronger Spiritual Life | open_in_new | |
Pastor Brian Eastman | Pt 1 of 21 Ways to Build a Stronger Spiritual Life | open_in_new | |
Pastor Brian Eastman | Mini Deaths and Resurrections | open_in_new | |
Pastor Brian Eastman | Psalm 91: Protection - Part 2 | open_in_new | |
Pastor Brian Eastman | Psalm 91: Protection - Part 1 | open_in_new | |
Pastor Brian Eastman | Which Interior Poverty? | open_in_new | |
Lori Kirstein | Hindu Mysticism and the Divine Mother | open_in_new | |
Pastor Brian Eastman | Guarding Our Nothing | open_in_new | |
Pastor Brian Eastman | The End of Words | open_in_new | |
Phyllis Schomaker | Ever Available Grace | open_in_new | |
Pastor Brian Eastman | Awakening from our Sleep | open_in_new | |
Pastor Brian Eastman | The Mystic's Grain of Mustard Seed | open_in_new | |
Lea Smith | Willingness to Change | open_in_new | |
Pastor Brian Eastman | The Happy Mystic | open_in_new | |
Pastor Brian Eastman | Everything is Waiting for You | open_in_new | |
Pastor Brian Eastman | Vulnerability: Guardian of our Integrity | open_in_new | |
Pastor Brian Eastman | The Ministry of Comfort | open_in_new | |
Pastor Brian Eastman | Dealing With Life's Little Deaths | open_in_new | |
Pastor Brian Eastman | Slow-Cooking Your Way Home | open_in_new | |
Pastor Brian Eastman | Wear Thy Sword as Long as Thou Canst | open_in_new | |
Pastor Brian Eastman | The Three Phases of God | open_in_new | |
Lori Kirstein | Getting God to say "Yes!" | open_in_new | |
Pastor Brian Eastman | Come Out from the Cave | open_in_new | |
Pastor Brian Eastman | Boring - Good and Bad | open_in_new | |
Pastor Brian Eastman | A Scream in the Dark | open_in_new | |
Pastor Brian Eastman | When Facing Times of Trouble | open_in_new | |
Lori Kirstein | The Feminine Face of God | open_in_new | |
Pastor Brian Eastman | Carnal Spirituality | open_in_new | |
Pastor Brian Eastman | Nothing Stands Alone | open_in_new | |
Pastor Brian Eastman | Row Your Boat While It is Tied to the Pier |
open_in_new | |
Pastor Brian Eastman | In the Real World... | open_in_new | |
Pastor Brian Eastman | Walking Meditation and Unceasing Prayer |
open_in_new | |
Lori Kirstein | Making Room for God: Letting Go of Separation |
open_in_new | |
Pastor Brian Eastman | Let the Children Come | open_in_new | |
Doris Schnetzer | Nourish your Inner Child - It's Spiritually Important |
open_in_new | |
Pastor Brian Eastman | S/He's Not Interested in What You Used to Do | open_in_new | |
Lori Kirstein | Your Best Is Enough | open_in_new | |
Pastor Brian Eastman | Freeing 2022 with Faith | open_in_new open_in_new |
Date | Speaker | Topic | Click Image to Play |
Pastor Brian Eastman | Getting to God's Answers, Here and There | open_in_new | |
Pastor Brian Eastman | Living in Resolve Instead of Regret | open_in_new | |
Phyllis Schomaker | Tapping into Unconditional Love | open_in_new | |
Lea Smith | Let Go of Fear & Step Into Your Light | open_in_new | |
Pastor Brian Eastman | Little Blessings | open_in_new | |
Liz Loring | Quotes for Comfort and Grace | open_in_new | |
Pastor Brian Eastman | Buddhist Loving Kindness | open_in_new | |
Pastor Brian Eastman | Twenty-one Ways to Build a Stronger Spiritual Life - Part 7 | open_in_new | |
Mark | Fun with The Divine | open_in_new | |
Bob Voges | The Science Behind Affirmative Prayer | open_in_new | |
Pastor Brian Eastman | Twenty-one Ways to Build a Stronger Spiritual Life - Part 6 | open_in_new | |
Pastor Brian Eastman | Twenty-one Ways to Build a Stronger Spiritual Life - Part 5 | open_in_new | |
Pastor Brian Eastman | Twenty-one Ways to Build a Stronger Spiritual Life - Part 4 | open_in_new | |
Pastor Brian Eastman | Twenty-one Ways to Build a Stronger Spiritual Life - Part 3 | open_in_new | |
Pastor Brian Eastman | Twenty-one Ways to Build a Stronger Spiritual Life - Part 2 | open_in_new | |
Pastor Brian Eastman | Spiritual Roots from the Past Growing into your Future | open_in_new | |
Lea Smith | Your Ego on the Spiritual Walk | open_in_new | |
Pastor Brian Eastman | Twenty-one Ways to Build a Stronger Spiritual Life - Part 1 | open_in_new | |
Josh | Collective/Personal Energy Shifts & How to Maintain/Cleanse Our Energy | open_in_new | |
Pastor Brian Eastman | Living the Spiritual Life Backwards and Forwards | open_in_new | |
Pastor Brian Eastman | A Medieval Prayer for Today | open_in_new | |
Pastor Brian Eastman | Unearthing Your Secret Gods | open_in_new | |
Frieda | The Power of Intention | open_in_new | |
Pastor Brian Eastman | Healing the Sins of the Fathers | open_in_new | |
Phyllis Schomaker | Practicing the Presence of God | open_in_new | |
Pastor Brian Eastman | The Benefits of Positive Spiritual Discontent | open_in_new | |
Lea Smith | Start Living Your Future Life Now | open_in_new | |
Pastor Brian Eastman | Many Kinds of Deaths | open_in_new | |
Pastor Brian Eastman | Three Kinds of Spiritual House-Cleaning | open_in_new | |
Pastor Brian Eastman | Working from (your Spiritual) Home | open_in_new | |
Pastor Brian Eastman | When Spiritual Dryness Happens | open_in_new | |
Doris Schnetzer | Forgive and Forget | open_in_new | |
Pastor Brian Eastman | Lessons from God's Surprises | open_in_new | |
Pastor Brian Eastman | Living the Quaker Testimony of Stewardship | open_in_new | |
Pastor Brian Eastman | Living the Quaker Testimony of Equality | open_in_new | |
Pastor Brian Eastman | Living the Quaker Testimony of Community | open_in_new | |
Pastor Brian Eastman | Living the Quaker Testimony of Integrity | open_in_new | |
Pastor Brian Eastman | Living the Quaker Testimony of Peace | open_in_new | |
Pastor Brian Eastman | Try a Six-week Easter Renewal: Living the Quaker Testimony of Simplicity |
open_in_new open_in_new | |
Pastor Brian Eastman | The Pilgrimage Way | open_in_new | |
Pastor Brian Eastman | What the Nowruz Festival Themes Offer Us | open_in_new | |
Pastor Brian Eastman | Words to Guide Your Life | open_in_new | |
Pastor Brian Eastman | More Sayings from Gospel of Thomas | open_in_new | |
Pastor Brian Eastman | Sayings from Gospel of Thomas | open_in_new | |
Pastor Brian Eastman | Jesus' Twin Inside Us | open_in_new | |
Pastor Brian Eastman | Building Divine Wisdom | open_in_new | |
Pastor Brian Eastman | Unifying Silence | open_in_new | |
Pastor Brian Eastman | Change vs. A Fragile Sense of Security | open_in_new | |
Pastor Brian Eastman | Baptism in Water, Fire and Spirit | open_in_new | |
Pastor Brian Eastman | Change, Faith and Getting Through Tough Times | open_in_new | |
Pastor Brian Eastman | Persevering Prayer vs. the Two-year-old's Prayer |
open_in_new open_in_new | |
Pastor Brian Eastman | Messages from the Dead for 2021 | open_in_new |
Pastor Brian Eastman | Unexpected Miracle; Awkward Moment | open_in_new | |
Rev. Tracy Gough | The Good | open_in_new open_in_new | |
Peggy | The Wonder Child + Metaphysical Bible Dictionary hosted by TruthUnity.Net open_in_new |
open_in_new open_in_new | |
Pastor Brian Eastman | A Spiritual Walk with the 27th Psalm | open_in_new | |
Pastor Brian Eastman | An Old Farmer's Prayer for Today | open_in_new | |
Pastor Brian Eastman | When Jesus Was Ugly | open_in_new | |
Pastor Brian Eastman | Threading a Rope through the Eye of a Needle |
open_in_new | |
Pastor Brian Eastman | Going, Going, Entirely Gone | open_in_new | |
Peggy | Focus on What You Desire | open_in_new | |
Liz | Connecting with What Matters | open_in_new | |
Pastor Brian Eastman | The Power of Joyful Prayer | open_in_new | |
Pastor Brian Eastman | Reflections on Spiritual Joy | open_in_new | |
Pastor Brian Eastman | Liminal Spaces and Lazarus - A Metaphysical Exploration | open_in_new | |
Pastor Brian Eastman | Moving Toward Heaven on Earth | open_in_new | |
Lea Smith | Unstagnate Your Life | open_in_new | |
Pastor Brian Eastman | Seven Ways to Enhance Your Spiritual Walk | open_in_new open_in_new | |
Pastor Brian Eastman | The Idolatry of Perfection | open_in_new | |
Pastor Brian Eastman | Pandemic of Divine Peace | open_in_new | |
Pastor Brian Eastman | Compassion vs. Empathy | open_in_new | |
Peggy | Hymn of The Pearl | open_in_new | |
Pastor Brian Eastman | Contagion of Contentment | open_in_new |